
Learning about Gemienshaft this week, I was quite taken aback. I hadn't realised that famous creatives such as Stanley Kubrick and Picasso were actually often part of larger creative teams. This obsession we have of worshipping artistic geniuses as individual creators trickles into our own creative endeavours. Personally, I have never collaborated with others in... Continue Reading →

Iterative Process

Iterative process is the process of repeating a cycle of tasks to refine your work, continually coming closer to a final work. As we iterate a project, it can change, either through minor changes that somewhat retain previous ideas, or in a major way that pushes the project in a new direction. This notion of... Continue Reading →

‘Untitled Film Still #21’ 

This week I was posed with the task of conducting material and technical research by recreating 'Untitled Film Still #21' by Cindy Sherman 1977- 1980.  The first issue I came across was the issue of using the buildings of innovation campus to create a strong depth of field. Similarly, I did not use lighting or makeup to enhance the... Continue Reading →

William Kentridge

I was unable to attend the William Kentridge exhibition excursion this week due to the exhibition being in Sydney, however was able to attend the exhibition in my own time later on in the week. This was my first experience viewing Kentridge's artworks, and they were very intriguing. One artwork in particular that I thoroughly enjoyed... Continue Reading →

MEDA301 Workshop

I have two ‘Workspaces’ in which i do two completely different types of work. My 'creative workspace' is where I do most of my thinking and note writing, jotting down essay and future project ideas in a stream of consciousness fashion. I have my recliner next too a large sliding door which allows for natural light to come... Continue Reading →

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